Day 1

8th Feb

There would not be a single person that has not had to face a problem or challenge.

  • I want to take this powerful principle from the life of Jehoshaphat.

  • Jehoshaphat was both a godly and incredibly powerful king in Judah.

  • The Name Jehoshaphat means, Yahweh has judged.

2 Chronicles 17:3 NIV The LORD was with Jehoshaphat because in his early years he walked in the ways his father David had followed. He did not consult the Baals
2 Chronicles 17:4 NIV but sought the God of his father and followed his commands rather than the practices of Israel.

  • Jehoshaphat was a man that was blessed by God, it says that the Lord was with him.

  • He walked in the ways of king David.

  • He was a godly and righteous king.

  • Because of this God established him and he became powerful

  • I really believe that in these next 21 Day’s God is going to establish something powerful in your life.

  • I believe that God is going to prepare you for the breakthroughs that you are believing for.

  • Here is a powerful principle.

Job 22:28 NKJV You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.

  • So, grab the prayer goals that you have written out and begin to declare what God says about your situation.

  • As you begin to declare breakthrough in that area God will begin to establish your prayers in the spirit realm.

Here is an example of a prayer declaration based upon God’s promise for our families.

Acts 16:31 NIV They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved you and your household.”

Father, I decree and declare my family is blood washed and blood bought and the generation of the upright will be blessed and they will be mighty in the land, I declare your protection over my family that your hedge of your word and your shield is about them all.
Father, I decree and declare my family is saved and they will be worshippers of God and that (PUT THEIR NAMES IN HERE) will become faithful and have a heart to serve in the House of God. AMEN

So, grab the prayer goals that you have written out and begin to declare what God says about your situation.

As you begin to declare breakthrough in that area God will begin to establish your prayers in the spirit realm.

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