Let us help you take your

Next Step

One step at a time is all it takes to get you there | Emily Dickinson

Proverbs 14:15 NIV
A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.

Just as in life, our Christian life is made up of many steps that help us grow in God.

Right throughout your journey there will a next step to take.

Although this is not a comprehensive list it is an overview of how we as a church can help you to be continually growing in God.


Thanks so much for taking the time to connect with us today


Your very first step would be to come and join us at our Starting Point.


If you are a New Christian there is so much to discover


As a church we have several ways to see you growing in God


If you want to make a kingdom contribution

Be Our Guest

  • We want to extend a huge welcome to you and we hope that you have enjoyed our service.

Guest Lounge

  • We’d love to meet you at our Guest Lounge at the back of the main auditorium.

Sound Kids

  • If you have children, we have an excellent children’s program running simultaneously with our church service.

Starting Point

week 1

  • This is where we get to sharing our Heart and the Vision of the church, hear from our pastors and a little of their testimony. You will hear about our church structure and what makes how we can encourage you in your walk with God.

week 2

  • In week two we would love to find out a little about and what are your passions and gifts and how we can encourage you to make a kingdom difference in the church and in your world.

Meet our New Christians Team

  • Our friendly New Christians team would love to meet you and support you as you begin to build your relationship with God.

Discovery and Discipleship Classes

  • We have some incredible short courses that will provide you with the answers any questions you might have to start growing in God.
  • To start your journey as a new believer, allow the Next Steps team to get you started.

Water Baptism

  • This is a public declaration of your faith. If you would like to be baptised, you can register at the Next Steps desk.

Keep Coming to Church

  • The best way to continue your Christian walk is to get connected and do life with other believers. We are so excited about seeing you apart of Sound City Church.

Pastoral Care

  • We have a great Pastoral Care team that are here to help you and encourage you on your spiritual journey.

Connect Groups

  • Our Connect groups are a great place for you to catch up, build friendships and grow in your relationship with God. These are run at different times during the week. Find out more at the Next Steps Info Desk

Community Groups

  • These are or larger groups that meet at different times during the week. Some are weekly and some are fortnightly. There’s something for you, whatever season of life you’re in.
  • Sound Youth, Young Adults, Especially Her and Men on Purpose.

School of Ministry

We have some great courses to help you grow in you walk with God. These course are all online course and our Nest Steps Team will be able to let you know what courses are available and how you can sign up for them.

Weekend Service Teams

  • We would be honoured to have you serve in a team that helps make church happen. Pick up a serving opportunity form at the Next Steps Info Desk and let us know where you would like to serve.

Dream Team Leader

  • Become committed to the vision and values of the church as a leader and complete our leadership course to take the next step in serving the church community on a deeper level.

Creative Nights

  • These are run every Thursday nights and they are a great opportunity to connect with all our volunteers and be trained and equipped in your gifts and develop your talents in a fun atmosphere as we prepare for our Sunday Services.

Sound City Rockingham

Rockingham WA
5 McCamey Ave | 9AM